VCP. Coffee in bed
VCP. I respond to what I think it needs day to day, rather than fixed routines. I keep things pretty simple – I don’t like bombarding my skin.
Also I swear massive sunglasses are better than eye cream, but let’s see…
VCP. It’s definitely a vibe to be grey in your early 30’s. Flaunting my greys was a way to embrace grief after losing my dad – which is the reason my hair went grey so fast.
But it also takes some fakery to look “natural”! I slowly blended the greys out with colour foils so I didn’t have a severe regrowth line (took over a year). I also still darken the rest of my hair to get rid of brassy browns. I want my grey to have sharp contrast, Cruella de Vil style.
Also I couldn’t do it without Sophy Phillips of Common People – she’s a grey-haired young woman too and an incredible colourist. Her hair is a beautiful slate grey so I always ask for her colour.
I love the Christoph Robin “Cool Down Your Brown” once a week as well.
VCP. White supremacy has shaped the industry’s take on beauty and this must be actively fought against and changed – both in front of and behind the lens.
My hope is that whoever I am filming/ taking photos of feels uplifted and their beautiful self with me. I want the experience to be joyous.
VCP. A candle I never light! It just sits there.
VCP. Slathering my face in moisturiser
VCP. My partner Joe and I often have a walk and a “check in”. And the occasional Negroni!
VCP. Putting myself first and reading my body better..
VCP. Right now I’m in the middle of Otessa Moshfegh’s new book “Death in Her Hands”. She is an absolute favourite of mine. This is the opening line:
“Her name was Magda. Nobody will ever know who killed her. It wasn’t me. Here is her dead body.”
VCP. Podcasts: The Daily Music: Christine and The Queens’ EP La vita Nuova.
VCP. Bath (though not in this drought!).
VCP. Coffee and Peppermint tea
VCP. Getting lost in creative research at the beginning of a project
VCP. Hanging with Joe
Christophe Robin Sea Salt Scrub is my top beauty product of all time. I rant and rave about it.
I barely wear any makeup these days so I am all about skin care and moisturiser. Embryolisse (more cost effective) & Dr Rogers Restore Face Cream (for lush lathering).
I resisted Retinol for ages because it all sounded extreme to me, but then I really started noticing I wasn’t 20. I tried Shani Darden’s Retinol Reform and now I’m hooked. I haven’t had any reaction, just some freaky glow I’m here for !
I tried Shani Darden’s Retinol Reform and now I’m hooked. I haven’t had any reaction, just some freaky glow I’m here for !
A little bit about VCP : Veronica and her (equally lovely) partner Joseph create beautiful imagery and films for the beauty and fashion space. Veronica's talent goes deeper than her beautiful filmmaking - at the heart of her creative collaborations is a commitment to representing the rich complexities of femininity on screen. Her images and films present woman with empowerment and dignity, something she executes flawlessly whomever her client may be.
With a determination to contribute thoughtful and positive change in the fashion and beauty industry it goes without saying we’re in awe of Veronicas work and femme force attitude.
Check out Veronica's work here ( …..
All images by Joseph Griffen